Helpful Prayer Resources
Free Digital Prayer Calendar
Provided by NAMB, this prayer calendar guides you in praying for a specific church planter and their family each week of the year.
Free Desktop Prayer Calendar
This spiral-bound 2024 desk calendar serves as a prayer guide for NAMB’s missionaries, church planters and chaplains.
Prayer Guides
Check out a variety of prayer guides and newsletters, provided by IMB. You can order a paper copy or digital.
hey, i’m sean. let’s connect!
The mission field starts here, with you, in your own backyard. God has placed you strategically in a specific sphere of influence to effectively spread the gospel. Whether at work, with your family, or in your neighborhood, you are called to make disciples right where you are.
And I’m here to help.
Click the connect button so we can meet and bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Missions Residents
Omer and Sevgi Baysal are from Diyarbakir, Turkey. They come to us through our long-time missional partners, Bible Mission. During their one-year residency at Olive, they will focus on learning English as a second language and serve alongside our education and missions teams. The Baysals come with a great passion for evangelism and discipleship.
You can connect with them via email: obaysal@olivebaptist.org or by calling the church office.
making disciples of all nations starts with you.
Olive Baptist is a local congregation with a global reach. We exist to make fully devoted followers of Christ.
Partner with us by living on mission as we share the Good News of the Gospel locally, nationally, and worldwide.
local missions
Following Acts 1:8, we seek to impact Pensacola and the surrounding areas. With our Pensacola and Warrington campuses, we partner with several local schools and community outreach organizations. Alongside the Ministry Village at Olive, we help provide for the physical needs of the community as well as their eternal needs.
National missions
In 3 John 5-8, the Bible calls us to care for those called and sent as workers for the Truth. We care for our Sent Ones through the North American Mission Board (NAMB). Through NAMB, we partner with the SEND Network to assist Church Planters and help meet real needs through SEND Relief.
worldwide Missions
Acts 1:8 also commands us to be a witness to the ends of the earth. We help meet that need through the International Mission Board (IMB) and Bible Mission Global. With the support given to these organizations, we are sending the good news of Christ to people groups worldwide in their language and within their own culture.
about our partners
National American Mission Board equips national missions through training church planting and sending relief to church partners.
Send Network establishes, equips, and finances church planters to plant churches in strategic cities throughout North America.
Send Relief is a compassion ministry dedicated to partnering with local churches and outreaches to reach communities with the gospel through meeting needs.
The International Mission Board focuses on reaching the nations with the gospel by equipping, training, and supporting international missionaries.
Ministry Village
This local outreach aims to increase access to people dealing with unserved or underserved community needs including emotional, financial, mental, medical, physical, spiritual and vocational.
Reading Pals
This local outreach in Pensacola is designed to build meaningful relationships with young children, while helping them improve their social-emotional development and early literacy skills.
Bible Missions Global
Bible Mission Global is dedicated to equipping and investing in churches in the former Soviet Union with the resources for outreach in their local communities.